Tanulj mellékneveket párban

Biztosan Te is észrevetted már, hogy sokkal könnyebben tanulsz meg szavakat, ha nem egyedül állnak, hanem párban vannak, például ellentétei egymásnak vagy akár szinonímák. Ha pedig ezeket a szavakat még kontextusba is helyezed, és úgy tanulod meg, még könnyebb dolgod lesz, hiszen nem csak egy-egy szóra fogsz emlékezni később, hanem arra is, hogyan alkalmazd őket a gyakorlatban. Így önálló szavak bizonytalan halmaza helyett már kész mondataid lesznek, amik stabil alapjai lehetnek a mondandódnak.


Íme néhány példa:

I am happy when it is my birthday. (=boldog)
She was sad when her puppy died. (=szomorú)

We were excited about going to the concert. (=izgatott)
She was bored because there were many grammar exercises. (=unott)

She is beautiful and wants to be a model. (= szép, gyönyörű)
A witch is normally very ugly. (=csúnya)

The desert is very dry. (=száraz)
My towel is wet because it fell into the pool. (=nedves)

Children can be naughty when they are two years old. (=csibész, csintalan)
Your children can visit me any time because they are well-behaved. (=jól nevelt)

The party next door was noisy. (=hangos)
The mountains are very quiet when it snows. (=csendes)

A weightlifter is very strong. (=erős)
He lost a lot of blood and was very weak. (=gyenge)

The dogs were horrible to the cat. (=borzalmas)
The bird sang a nice song. (=szép)

There was only enough space for one car on the narrow road. (=keskeny)
The main avenue of the city was very wide. (=széles)

There was a great disturbance when the bank was robbed. (=nagy, hatalmas)
There was a minor problem at work today though it wasn’t serious. (=kicsi, apró)

I am tired after running for three hours. (=fáradt)
I slept very well last night so I was energetic this morning. (=energiával teli)

When I have lots of money I am rich. (=gazdag)
The people who don’t have money are poor. (=szegény)

I didn’t feel a thing. It was painless. (=fájdalommentes)
Having a tooth removed can be painful. (=fájdalmas)

The lights didn’t work, so it was very dark. (=sötét)
The sun was out in the middle of the day so it was very bright. (=világos)

Be careful when you test-drive a new car. (=óvatos)
He was careless with money and had many debts. (=óvatlan, gondatlan)

A new Porsche is expensive. (=drága)
A potato is cheap. (=olcsó)

Studying online has been very helpful to me. (=hasznos)
During the exam I forgot everything, I was helpless. (=tehetetlen)

Taking notes is a useful way to help learning.(=hasznos)
Trying to memorise the dictionary is useless. (hasztalan)

Learning a new language is not difficult. (=nehéz)
Learning a new language is easy if you practice. (=könnyű)

Eating and sleeping well will make you healthy. (=egészséges)
She was sick so she went to the doctor. (=beteg)

After you wear your socks for three days they are dirty. (=koszos)
When I get out of the shower I am clean. (=tiszta)

I bought a new car! (=új)
I sold my old car because it was slow. (=régi)

A cup of coffee is hot. (=forró)
I don’t like winter because it is cold. (=hideg)

After I had diarrhea for a month I was very thin. (=vékony)
He is fat because he always eats a lot of burgers and fries. (=kövér)

Bacteria are so tiny that we can’t see them. (=apró)
The Pacific Ocean is enormous. (=hatalmas)

A mouse is small. (=kicsi)
An elephant is large. (=nagy)

A lemon is sour. (=savanyú)
I like sugar because it is sweet. (=édes)

My baby is young. (=fiatal)
My grandfather is old. (=öreg)

I drank all the water, now the glass is empty. (=üres
I put some more water into my glass and now it is full. (tele)

They had a beautiful wedding. They are married. (=házas)
I don’t have a wife. I am single. (=egyedülálló)

Fire is dangerous. (=veszélyes)
Don’t worry, the area is safe for children. (=biztonságos)

We need to be polite at the dinner table. (=udvarias)
Eating with your feet on the table is rude. (=udvariatlan)

Planes fly very high. (=magas)
Before the plane crashed it was flying very low. (=alacsony)

Sandpaper is rough. (=durva)
Silk sheets are smooth. (=sima)

She doesn’t like to talk to strangers – she is very shy. (=szégyenlős)
He loves meeting new people, he is very outgoing. (=nyitott, társaságkedvelő)

The ice was very hard. (=kemény)
The custard was soft. (=puha)

A dwarf is short. (=alacsony)
A basketball player is very tall. (=magas)

A feather is light. (=könnyű)
A cannonball is heavy. (=nehéz)

Source: http://www.vocabulary.cl/


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